What is PDR?

Paintless dent removal (PDR) does not hide your damage, instead removes it from the backside of the panel without the use of body fillers (Bog), sanding or repainting the vehicle. In certain situations, specialist glue, glue tabs and tools are used to extract the damage also.

Panels are not painted eliminating the risk of colour mismatching and the need to blend the adjacent panels to match paint colour and texture. Thus making it the preferred first choice solution for all vehicle ding and dent repair.

Benefits of using PDR over conventional auto body repair:

  • COST EFFECTIVE  - Up to 80% cheaper than auto body repair. Repairs start from $95+gst 

  • RETAINS FACTORY PAINT - No mismatched colour which makes previous repair obvious. No filler means no “shrink back” or halo’s under paint work.

  • QUICK - Shorter repair time. Smaller repairs usually take 30mins - 1 hour, medium to large repairs around 1-3 hours. Auto Body repairs usually take days to weeks.

  • CONVENIENT - This is a mobile service so I come to your place of work or home. I can even perform repairs in your Golf Clubs carpark whilst you enjoy a round. (Please seek permission from your club first). 

  • MAINTAINS VEHICLES VALUE - When selling your car, dents and scratches can invite lower offers or turn people off. Maximise your chances of getting top dollar for your asset. Put simply, if there are 2 cans of peaches on the shelf and one is dented, most people will grab the one minus the dents even if the contents are same. 

  • LEASE VEHICLE RETURNS - If your vehicle is returned to the lease company with dents or scratches outside of the “Fair wear and tear guide” there is a high chance you will be left with a large repair bill for painting as PDR isn’t usually quoted to the public.